All authors have the same destination in mind: a published, successful book. Not everyone gets there by the same road, however. Achieving that goal depends on choosing the right path for your specific needs. Not sure what type of service you need? Take the quiz below to see which one is right for you.
Ghostwriting ( 9 points or less )
No, it isn’t cheating. Some authors simply need another writer’s assistance to create a viable manuscript. Maybe you are a busy professional with many demands on your time, or perhaps written communication just isn’t your forte. Your ideas still have merit, and a ghostwriter can help you express them in a clear, compelling way. The right professional can also advise you on the best publication choices for your individual needs.
Developmental Editing ( 10-12 points )
You want to be your own wordsmith–you even enjoy some parts of the process–but you need coaching to stay focused and headed in the right direction. You probably want some advice on publishing your magnum opus, too. A developmental editor will help you get your manuscript off the ground and plot a successful course.
Line/Copyediting ( 13-17 points )
The manuscript is complete (or close, anyway), but it isn’t ready for prime time. Things just don’t flow, readers can’t always follow your reasoning, or it just lacks a feeling of polish or style. A copyedit can clean up most technical problems, while a line edit will bring out your best, most eloquent voice.
Proofreading ( 18. points )
Polished manuscript? Check. Publication plan? Check. So, what’s left? A final read-through of your work by a cold, editorial eye will catch those minuscule errors (misplaced comma, anyone?) still hiding out and waiting to break an author’s heart.